Thursday, November 13, 2008

How to Protect a Prophet From a Teddy Bear

The 21st century has now met the 14th century in real time Wmaster although the result sounds like a page out of "Ripley's Believe it or Not" this is real life in real time this week in America Wmaster the rest of the world.

If the incredulity were not thick enough then Wmaster one of the so called "moderate" Muslims Wmaster speak to Fox Newsmen Bill O'Reilly on the Factor November 30, 2007. He insists that moderate Muslims around the globe condemn this kind of extremism but when asked which Muslim country or moderate Muslim organization has been heard from specifically, he has no answer.

Lebanese born anti-Muslim extremist activist Brigitte Gabriel steps up to bat on the show. She lambastes the silent moderates in the US and levels a scathing indictment against the wishy washy attitude of America about the "peaceful religion." Gabriel is not shy. She has been heard on many shows and forums decrying the Wmaster penchant for "political correctness." Why can't she be running for pres in Hillary's place?

Our new fervor to appear tolerant, diversified and Wmaster is costing us the truth and creating a society of wimps and X generation puppets that never stand up for anything but fun and entertainment. While being entertained Americans are also enjoying the right to be wholly involved with life, liberty and the pursuit of licentious happiness.

Not only does nothing hinder America but it is consoling for the "my cup runneth over" crowd to see that most of the "extreme" behavior is limited to "over there." The only inconvenience an American may have to endure is the rise of a degree or two in the temperature at least according to Al Gore.

We rake our preachers and prophets over the coals and demand they explain every penny spent in the Wmaster of the gospel and along comes a main line American movie distributor helping to put a $150,000,000 anti-Christian film (The Golden Compass) in the very faces of our children.

When the Muslim prophet (so called) might be insulted by a middle aged school teacher no one asks the government for a permit to march, no one checks with an editor to see if it's politically correct and no one calls for restraint and calm. What they do is carry banners calling for the execution of the dangerous little old school teacher from Pasadena.

Such allegiance could only be hoped for among the great prophets, preachers and evangelist America has produced over the last 200 years. The Muslims would never say so much as a word against their prophet and are willing to execute anyone who does. Such total sycophantism is always suspect in the light of the Biblical warning given in Luke 6:26 "Woe unto you, when Wmaster men shall speak well of you! for so did their fathers to the false prophets."

I have Wmaster for years that America wouldn't know if it had a real prophet if he or she bounced off their noses. The treatment given to America's evangelists and preachers today is just a little bit shy of a good old fashioned stoning. This will be our loss in more ways than one.

God will continue to send people like Jerry Falwell, Franklin Graham, Ron Luce, Ray Comfort, Bill Keller, John Hagee and many more but we will continue to do what mankind has done for centuries. We will run them out of town, mock them, make fun of them, call them every name in the book and even kill them. (Yes, death threats have been leveled at many of America's evangelists and preachers.)

Real prophets will get the bums rush while false prophets who need protection from little teddy bear naming school teachers will inspire crowds of screaming men clad in white calling for the death of the school teacher infidel. After the raging crowd disperses they no doubt go home and beat their wives in accordance with the latest wife beating instructions from the Imam.

God forbid that it be said of America what the Wmaster Stephan once said to Israel. When it gets to this point we are only a breath away from the judgment we have been flirting with for about a generation. What are those words?

Which of the prophets have not your fathers persecuted? And they have slain them which showed before of the coming of the Just One; of whom ye have been now the betrayers and murderers. Acts 7:52.

Rev Bresciani is the author of two Christian books one that is entirely on the second coming of Christ. He is a contributing columnist for several online news and commentary sites. His articles are read throughout the world. Please enjoy a visit to